Protein Margherita Pizza
A protein-packed twist on an all-time Italian favorite, the Margherita Pizza! Using four simple ingredients (including our very own plain chicken) ...
A protein-packed twist on an all-time Italian favorite, the Margherita Pizza! Using four simple ingredients (including our very own plain chicken) ...
Another quick & delicious recipe using our best-selling Cilantro Lime Chicken! You won't believe how easy it can be to make a nutritious, high-...
Move over Chipotle! The Real Muscle Chef shares a delicious twist on the traditional burrito bowl using The Chicken Pound's Jerk Chicken flavor! Ge...
Fajitas in 5 Minutes! Check out our quick and easy fajita recipe using The Chicken Pound's Cilantro Lime flavor! Get started on your Chicken Pound ...
The Real Muscle Chef shares one of his favorite quick and easy meal prep recipe using our best-selling Chicken Pound Teriyaki! The best part? You c...
A delicious home cooked meal prepared in less than 5 minutes? Hard to believe? Not really! Check out how quickly you can put together a delicious...
Forget the greasy wings! Here's a quick and easy recipe using The Chicken Pound's Buffalo Chicken! Perfect for those game days or anytime! Watch a...
Looking for a low-carb, delicious meal option? The Chicken Pound has your back! Open up a pack of our plain (or any of your other favorites) grille...
Sliders anyone?? Try out these delicious game day sliders using The Chicken Pound Kansas City BBQ! Takes no more than 5 mins to prep, and tastes da...
5 Minute Meal Prep! Check out how easy it is to prepare a delicious meal with our Balsamic Chicken!